Wendy Allen

Two Poems


I know this is a lie

You   tell  me  I   am  built   internally   like  the   huge
installation   that  stands   in  front of   us.  Held  on a
plinth  above men,  I am positioned  within  the lines
of the  diagram where I see the invisible  parts of  my
heart and lung and cunt made into a maquette. I will
be several versions of this before I  am  complete and
when  this  prototype  fails, you  tell me it is  my fault.



I am not  allowed to  take  photographs, but I can
lean in close to the sculpture to feel it breathe on

I   ask   you    if   the   sculpture    could    be   made  from
concrete  and   you   say   no,   it  could   not,  and when I
look  at  it   again,  I   see  the  mesh  underneath  and the
knowledge    of    framework    ruins    it    for    me.   Like
arteries    create    geometric   breathing,   the  reality  of
what  is underneath  me  becomes   catastrophic.  I  have
loved  you  for  so  long.



Wendy Allen’s work has appeared in Poetry Wales, Ambit, The North, Banshee, The Moth and Poetry Ireland Review. Her debut pamphlet, Plastic Tubed Little Bird, will be published in May 2023 with Broken Sleep. She is currently being mentored by Richard Scott and Anthony Anaxagorou as part of her DYCP project funded by ACE, working on a collection based on Barbara Hepworth and the female body. She starts her PhD in Creative Writing in October at Manchester Met.

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Photo by Vojtech Bruzek on Unsplash

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