1. Articles


  The Pursuit of Italy, David Gilmour, Allen Lane, 447pp, £25 (hardback) Italy is glory, art, music, poetry and a…

The Life of the City

  Jerusalem: The Biography, Simon Sebag Montefiore, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 696pp, £25 (hardback) The striking cover of this book reproduces…

Dead Parrot

  The Vorticists: Manifesto for a Modern World Tate Britain, 14 June – 4 September 2011 A question that must…

The Growth of a Poet’s Mind

  The Horseman’s Word, Roger Garfitt, Jonathan Cape, 378pp, £18.99 (hardback) Carl Sandburg once described the past as ‘a bucket…

A Tale of Two Fairs

  Art Antiques London, Kensington Gardens, 9 – 15 June 2011 Summer Exhibition, Royal Academy of Arts, 7 June –…

Our Barmy Bread

The appeal of exotic cuisines and esoteric diets has done little to diminish bread’s status as the primary foodstuff of the Western world.

On Writing

What are the perils and pleasures of writing? And in what way, and to what extent, does the writer’s self come into play?

What Happened to Generation X?

If 1991 marked the cultural awakening of a generation with energy not seen since the 1960s, we have to ask: what happened?

The Battle of Maiwand

  You have got to know what you are looking for, but on the present-day US aerial photograph of the…

Garvagh Election

  When the evenings clear everything looks dirty again like a dead blackbird picked clean ploughed into the lane the…

Time Travellers

  The sick are well, dead smiling, old are young, framed photos bloom on windowsills and walls, I am a…


  His tongue between her lips, she is suffocated by his breathing. Flocks of umbrellas snap shut in her as…

Severe Sweetness

  (St. Theresa of Avila, Bernini) The woman is not perfected, she moans. She has travelled so far her body…

Blade of Bread

  Nothing goes inside this tank, It’s called a bank. Not even the pay Which used to flow Like the…

Time and Tide

  He asks his carer Where did last Thursday go? She answers Time’s peculiar as she empties water from the…


  Smoking, she stutters, ‘I wish I’d never been born. I’m too soon in this world, not of this time.’…


  For my father, 03.08.01 A moth ticking, persistent. The fluorescent tube hot, long, white overhead, my head bent till…

What Time Is It?

  On the pear tree at six the blackbird speaks. He talks of no creation that we, translated to his…

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