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Founded by Editor Alan Ross in 1965, TLM Editions is the in-house publishing arm of The London Magazine. In our continuing commitment to seeking out the most original and promising voices in contemporary poetry and prose, TLM Editions works closely with its writers to produce books which are diverse, intelligent and imaginative.

New Releases:

Fractals UK front cover

Fractals: New & Selected Poems | Translations 1980-2015

by Sudeep Sen
UK: The London Magazine Editions, 2016
Pages 390 | Price £19.99 | ISBN 978-0-9926061-8-3


Previous titles:

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Degrees of Twilight

by Maggie Butt

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Making For The Exit

by Edward Lucie-Smith

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Ghalib’s Tomb

by Manash Bhattacharjee

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Goodbye Crocodile

by Conor Patrick


London Magazine Stories 11

Edited by Alan Ross


London Magazine Stories 10

Edited by Alan Ross


London Magazine Stories 9

Edited by Alan Ross


The Taj Express

by Alan Ross

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