Colombian Issue


The Colombia Issue, guest-edited by Ella Windsor and featuring the finest in Colombian literary talent.

Poetry by Isabel Bermúdez Ospina, Tania Ganitsky, Yirama Castaño Güiza, Piedad Bonnett, Alun Robert, Alfredo Vanín Romero and Raúl Gómez Jattin

Short Fiction by Sara Jaramillo Klinkert, J. J. Junieles, Velia Vidal Romero, Margarita García Robayo, Humberto Ballesteros, Carolina Sanín and Cristina Bendek

Featuring essays by Zac Goldsmith, Damian Elwes, Miguel Rocha Vivas & María Alejandra Casanova García, Jaime Abello Banfi & Orlando Oliveros and Keratuma Domicó

Plus artwork by Pedro Ruiz

To buy the Spanish language edition of The Colombian Issue, go here.

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