1. Articles

Hellenistic Journey

  A Monastery of Light, Sebastian Barker, The Bow-Wow shop, 62pp, £14.99 (hardback) Sebastian Barker is the son of the English…

The Trouble with Poetry

  Collected Poems, Ian Hamilton, edited by Alan Jenkins, Faber and Faber, 160pp, £14.99 (paperback) The Oxford Companion to Modern Poetry,…

Coetzee in his Castle

  The Childhood of Jesus, J. M. Coetzee, Harvill Secker, 288pp, £12.99 (hardback) In the months leading up to the release…


  Blaze: a Vanishing, Alan Morrison, Waterloo Press, 144pp, £10 (paperback) Dear Boy, Emily Berry, Faber, 57pp, £9.99 (paperback) Airmail,…

My London

  This is the second in our series in which writers of different kinds describe what London means to them.…

St Helena

A fascinating essay on the changes happening in the colonised island of St Helena

Ghostly Encounters

One of the most respected explorers of the day shares with us, his ghostly encounters…

A Makeshift Homeland

  A Place in the Country by W.G. Sebald, trans. by Jo Catling, Hamish Hamilton, 224pp, £20 (hardback) It may…

A Lament For Many Things

  The Italian Visitor, Grey Gowrie, Carcanet, 112pp, £9.95 (paperback) The title sequence of this collection is a clever and…


  Walk the bike up Church Lane and leave the pub to shrink into the grubby dark. Hit that length…

Night Ride Home

  I don’t know where the fox was going when it started to trot beside my bike, but we shared…

Cleft in Ullswater

  Lacustrine love is A merging – two feelings: Sweet catching of a hundred waters Plash of the blue and…

At Middle Life

  (after Friedrich Hölderlin) In the lake the land hangs thick with yellow pears and wild roses. Blessed swans, you…


  ‘The more languages you speak, the more people you are.’ – Eastern European proverb It’s true. You start as…

Corn Dolly

  He cut her out of the last corn standing and our dry throats called across the stubble, called her…

Hunting the Jaguar

  ‘Where are you going?’ Inez asks ‘Nowhere,’ says Raoul. ‘Just out.’ The door slams and the house is empty.…

The Balm of Oranges

  Harry Woodruff is sitting across from me at my table in the Sydney Free Legal Centre. His eyes are…

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