1. Articles

Essay | Killing Keats by John Phipps

I like the redundant ‘a’ in Keats’ name. I can’t really imagine him without it, as ‘Keets’, or even ‘Keytes.’ Before I knew how to pronounce them differently, he used to sit on my father’s bookshelf next to a poet I called ‘Yeets’ and since they were the first two poets I read, that diphthong has always seemed likes a signal of abundance, something extra to be gleaned. That I think this is one way I know Keats is a sort of idea I have. If, two months ago, you’d put a gun to my head […]

Fiction | Summer Séance by Haleh Agar

Today we will make contact with Flo and I am giddy with excitement. I did not sleep in the night. My mind fussed over details of the day ahead: the food preparation, Gustav’s mocha birthday cake that must be collected in the morning from the baker’s. But mostly, I could not stop thinking of Flo. What will I say to my dear friend after these eighteen months of separation? How is the afterlife treating you? What’s it like to be without a body? Met anyone nice? […]

Poetry | The Great Disappointment & Living Without Moon by Ali Lewis

‘Leadership is disappointing your own people at a rate they can absorb.’ – Ronald Heifetz. Since I’ve been reckoning with grief / I’ve been looking for a painting I remember / of a peasant, miserable on a hillside, / seconds after his rapture hasn’t come, / his plough already sold to a neighbour / for a song as a show of faith and a joke / to crack in paradise. But the closest […]

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