1. Articles

Evelyn Waugh’s First Eight Books

  The Early Works of Evelyn Waugh, Evelyn Waugh, Penguin, £20 each (hardback) The initial instalment of Penguin’s new, twenty-four…

The Eyes’ Hungers

  Hare, Hugh Dunkerley, Cinnamon Press, 64pp, £7.99 (paperback) Hare is a rewarding collection about survival, not just of the…

Commemorative Classics

A look at classic editions on the publication of Penguin’s bicentennial Dickens box set

A Part for the Whole

  Great Works: 50 Paintings Explored, Tom Lubbock (with an introduction by Laura Cumming), Frances Lincoln, 216pp, £18.99 (hardback) In…

Enigma Variations

  Leonardo da Vinci: Painter at the Court of Milan, The National Gallery, 9 November 2011 – 5 February 2012…

Methuselah’s Multiverse

  Mortal Morning, Brian Aldiss, Flambard Press, 92pp, £12.99 (hardback) Anterooms, Richard Wilbur, Waywiser Press, 69 pp, £8.99 (paperback) Born…

A Riddle Dissolved

  Woyzeck on the Highveld (adapted from Woyzeck by Georg Büchner), Handspring Puppet Company, toured 6 September-12 November 2011 Woyzeck…

Between Imagination and Truth

  The Casual Perfect, Lavinia Greenlaw, Faber and Faber, 64pp, £12.99 (hardback) There are poets in love with poetry as…

The Privilege of Absurdity

  Should we take literature seriously? I mean without laughing. I remember teachers who made me laugh, and not much…

Notes from Manchuria

  Notes from Manchuria, 2011 is a diary that I kept during a fortnight’s tour of the Dongbei or north-east…

Too much of a Bad Thing

  So many tears have been shed for sugar that by rights it ought to have lost its sweetness. –…

In the Drift

  Convalescent, by the Kennet side, I see two raucous geese glide down to a synchronised landing through scattered waterfowl.…

Captain of Industry

  At dawn in silk pyjamas, mole-skin slippers, he will wind up clocks, dozens of cream zeros set in oblong…


  Colder than water, unravelling its dark breath in the blur my hands make as I press metal to the…

End of Girlhood

  The first time a tree called me by name, I was thirteen and only spoke a weave of ordinary…

After the Reading

  She breathes in the hairspray topnotes of a highland single malt, which needs a glass not a tooth mug.…

An Endless Trace

  These days it is to small things that I go – The double thumbprint on page 83 Of Sir…

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