1. Articles

Rameau and the Vertical

  O/Modernt, Confidencen, Ulriksdals Slottsteater, Solna, Sweden, 9–17 June 2013 Combining the pursuit of excellence with highly imaginative program- ming,…

Songs in the Key of Rhyme

  The Word on the Street – Rock Lyrics, Paul Muldoon, Faber and Faber, 96pp, £12.99 (hardback) Songs and Sonnets,…

Mr. New York

  All That Is, James Salter, Picador, 304pp, £18.99 (hardback) ‘It will be a stronger book, pruned, treated as if…

‘The Blue Rode Well in the Corn’

  Akenfield: Portrait of an English Village, Roland Blythe, Penguin, 287pp, £9.99, (paperback) Mrs. Sullivan, fifty-five, headmistress, feels that ‘people…

The Sound of Painting

  Vermeer and Music: The Art of Love and Leisure The National Gallery 26 June 2013 – 8 September 2013…


  I The only thing we had in common was our love of jazz. On Friday nights my father would…

London Calling! *Free

  Proms 2013, Royal Albert Hall 12 July – 7 September With this year’s world-famous Promenade Concerts now in full…

My London

The first in the My London series, asking writers what living in – or visiting London means to them

The Legend of Livingstone

  This year we commemorated the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of the legendary explorer Dr. David Livingstone, one…

Concrete Overcoat

  I was told Ronnie and Reggie used to start from the feet and work their way up, bulges rising…


  SUFFER THE COUNTRY Suffer the curled up corpses of the tortured Suffer the cluttered ranks of the bound and…

Ustad Saaznawaz *Free

  for Abir Bashir Bazaz As he weaves the ghazal the earth turns into water, gods dissolve in his tongue…

All the Wonders

  His phone goes. The deep, quickening notes of the Jaws theme. Which means it’s his ex-wife. Not his joke.…

Two Poems

  Breathless ‘The past is preserved within objects as souls are kept in earthen bodies.’ Orhan Pamuk, The Museum of…

Two Poems

  Puberty 1 In the bathroom to scold you, I find an odalisque, my daughter blurred by humidity, a moist-blind…

Be Still the River

  Nine days after burying their mother in a grove of milkweed and cypress, Ingrid took her sister, Baya, away…

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