1. The London Magazine

Essay | John Scott’s The London Magazine by Matthew Scott


The Greek author Lucian tells of a lusty, young aristocrat who fell for a statue of Aphrodite and, willing it to be real, attempted to defile it. He had only the experience of other boys to go on and fell short when it came to the anatomy of women; congress was a hopeless failure and he hurled himself to his death […]

The Lake by Ted Hughes

Better disguised than the leaf-insect, A sort of subtler armadillo, The lake turns with me as I walk. Snuffles at…

Pearl by Simon Armitage

TLM Book Club
Simon Armitage’s new translation of the fourteenth-century poem Pearl follows his energetic 2008 translation of the same anonymous poet’s Sir…

Pearl by Simon Armitage

News, Reviews
Simon Armitage’s new translation of the fourteenth-century poem Pearl follows his energetic 2008 translation of the same anonymous poet’s Sir…

Painting with Light

News, Reviews
There is a scene in Evelyn Waugh’s Brideshead Revisited in which the odious Boy Mulcaster interrogates Charles Ryder, painter and…
Cover of the February 1984 edition of The London Magazine with a short story by Raymond Carver.

Archive | Cathedral by Raymond Carver


‘The truth is, cathedrals don’t mean anything special to me. Nothing. Cathedrals. They’re something to look at on late-night TV. That’s all they are.’

Short fiction by Raymond Carver.

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