for Liz and Bob

Saw this, today, and thought of you

two: there,
not there, the quantum flicker

of a squirrel, this-side-that-side
of the tree trunk,
rightside up or down,

an astonishment particle,
a pop-eyed quivering on claw-tips;

And I had to look sharp to be sure
if this was one

like a pun on itself performed
in mime, or… Yes, it was two

released in skitter-spirals, up,
down, helix, counter-helix: the play
of material things

in their nearliness, freak
mutations of the moment, weight-

less prestidigitations, always meeting
ourselves coming back
around the corner like the skyline

of a wild surmise.
And whether these new

sudden selves we are together are
the nouns, or whether
now we know that particles are spin,

vibration and momentum, it’s the verb
of us that is the one true thing

is immaterial
beside this moment (everlasting
unto everlasting) that feels like return

to lightness, against all
the world’s gravity. It slips between

words, as in light… enlightenment… delight.

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