1. Articles

Essay | Bagel City by Hugh Foley

‘My job, when talking to my daughter, is to guess what she means, her job is to guess what I mean. We believe things about each other. But how do we have a concept of meaning before we have a whole language? When does an infant have a meaningful sense of meaning?’

Hugh Foley on Taylor Swift, Chat GPT and the broader uses and abuses of meaning.

Essay | Meat Space by Hugh Foley

‘Ultimately, I think, in this moment, the body doesn’t matter. It’s just another thing to upload onto the cloud. Or rather, it matters because it’s the ultimate thing to upload. The realest thing.’

Hugh Foley on bodybuilding influencers.

Essay | Lost in the Supermarket by Hugh Foley

‘Characters in these books are not bewitched by the symbols of ‘consumerism’. They are well aware of the environmental costs, the exploitation, and of the error of thinking that their most profound desires might be satisfied by the products.’

Hugh Foley on supply chain fiction.

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